Lane End Surgery is situated near the busy junction known as Four Lane Ends, where Benton Road crosses Benton Park Road.
The practice has developed from a long-standing husband and wife partnership who practiced from their own home. They retired in 1990/1991 but the practice continues to use the extensively developed and modernised house from which the practice grew. This gives the practice a homely and informal feel as well as giving a sense of continuity with our past.
Dear Patient, We understand that you're eager to participate in your chosen activity, and you may be seeking a declaration of fitness from us.
FROM 27th JUNE 2024 Opening hours - Our phone lines will be open Mon - Fri from 8:30am-12:30pm and then again from 2:00pm-6:00pm. Appointment
If you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, managing your condition is important. Healthy Living is a free online NHS service for people
This newsletter is produced quarterly for you by members of the Forum’s Communications Working Group. Please use this link to view the newsl
NHS England require that the net earnings of doctors engaged in the practice is publicised, and the required disclosure is shown below. However i
Patients who are 75 and over and have not had an appointment at the practice in the last 12 months can book a Health Check appointment with our H
Some people (such as those with Learning Disabilities) need additional support to access the national screening services such as those for bowel
If you use the same medication regularly, you may be able to benefit from repeat dispensing. This would reduce how often you need to order your p
Being transparent and providing accessible information to patients about how we will use your personal information is a key element of the Data P
Primary Care Navigators (PCNs) are highly trained and experienced members of our Practice staff. They can guide patients to local community group