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For non urgent clinical queries which can be dealt with via written advice, please use the eConsultation service on our home page. Econsultation can also be used for admin and fit note requests.

Improving Access to Screening Services for People with a Learning Disability

Some people (such as those with Learning Disabilities) need additional support to access the national screening services such as those for bowel and breast cancer.

Screening is a way of finding and treating changes in your body before they turn into something serious like cancer. 

We want to make sure that you have the information you need to choose if you want to join in with the screening programs.

Your GP will send information about you to the screening programme, so they can offer to help you understand about screening. 

If you want to know more about this, please ask your GP or Practice Manager

Repeat Dispensing –

If you use the same medication regularly, you may be able to benefit from repeat dispensing. This would reduce how often you need to order your prescription. If you would like to see if you can use this service please contact the practice and ask to speak to our Pharmacy team.

NHS Business Services are providing the practice with NHS numbers for patients who may be suitable for electronic repeat dispensing.  This information is obtained from looking at NHS prescriptions. If we think you could benefit from this service, we will contact you to see if you would like to use it. If you would prefer to stay with your usual system for ordering prescriptions that will be fine.

Updated Fair Processing and Privacy Notice

Being transparent and providing accessible information to patients about how we will use your personal information is a key element of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Please see our updated policy HERE

Primary Care Navigators

Primary Care Navigators (PCNs) are highly trained and experienced members of our Practice staff. They can guide patients to local community groups, services and organisations for support, particularly when you don’t know where else to turn and who to ask. PCNs know many of the people involved with local groups and can help find activities that suit your interests. They can help you to speak to the right people to solve problems with benefits, social services and help around your home, and can also help with housing and repairs.

One of our doctors or nurses may recommend you speak to a Primary Care Navigator or you can simply ask at reception to speak to Pauline.


Evening & Weekend Appointments

If you struggle to attend during the week, GP and Health Care Assistant appointments are now available some evenings from 5.00pm – 7.30pm and on Saturdays from 9.00am – 1.30pm at the Oxford Centre, West Farm Avenue, Longbenton. These appointments are provided by a team of local GPs and HCAs. Please contact our reception staff to discuss making an appointment.

Appointments are also available at other locations in North Tyneside over weekends and Bank Holidays. Please telephone 0191 486 2195 between 8.00am and 8.00pm each day.

Parking Arrangements

Please be careful when parking near the practice. Most roads are resident parking only. 2 hour parking is available on Benton Road (by the local shops).

Unfortunately parking is no longer available at Benton Conservative Club.

Disabled Bays – 2 designated bays have now been created close to the practice. Please note you must display your badge and clock when using these bays.


Telephone Call Recording

From 20.01.2011 all telephone calls made to and from the practice will be recorded.

All Patients Now Have a Named GP

From 01.04.15 all GP practices are required to allocate every patient with a named GP.

This does not affect your treatment or care at the practice and you can continue to see any GP of your choice.

If you would like to know your named GP please ask our reception staff. You can change your named GP to another doctor of your choice. Should you wish to do this please inform reception.

Medical Reports

If you need a Medical (e.g. taxi, HGV) please note that photo ID will be required.