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Clinics & Services

The following clinics and healthcare services are available at this practice, by appointment.

Service Day Time
GP Appointments Mon – Fri 8.30am – 11.30am, 2.30pm – 4.45pm
Practice Nurse Team Mon – Fri 8.00am – 5.00pm
Practice Nurse Team Tues 8.00am – 8.00pm
Diabetic Dietician Mon (x2 per month) 9.00am – 11.00am
Midwife Thurs 9.30 – 12 Noon, 1pm – 4pm

Making an appointment

The practice operates a GP appointments system with a daily mixture of same day and pre-bookable appointments. This allows patients who prefer to book ahead to make an appointment in advance, whilst also catering for those who need/want to be seen on the day.
Some patients prefer to try to see their regular doctor. Whilst we will try our best to accommodate this, unfortunately it is not always possible to make an appointment with a particular doctor at the time/day requested. This may be because the doctor is already booked or absent from the practice. On these occasions we will try to offer you a convenient appointment with another of our doctors.

You can make an appointment with a nurse without seeing the doctor first.

A visual call system is used to call patients to see the doctor/nurse. If you do not want the panel to be used please inform our reception staff.

Automated Arrivals Screen

To save patients waiting at the reception desk we have an automated arrivals screen. This allows you to check in without having to tell the receptionist you have arrived. The system lets the receptionist and doctor or nurse know that you are here.

Home visits

Home visits are available for patients who genuinely cannot attend the surgery due to a medical reason. Please try to telephone before 10.00am. Our reception staff will ask for details of your problem, as this helps the doctors to plan their visits.
Do please try to come to the surgery if at all possible (A doctor can see 3-5 patients at the surgery in the time it takes him/ her to visit one patient at home).

Telephone Advice

The practice operates a daily telephone message screen for patients requiring general advice/support. Patients are asked to leave their details and a GP will contact them at sometime during the day.
Patients who request a named GP returns their call are advised that the GP may not be able to speak to them that day, but they will contact them within 2-3 working days. As all GPs work part-time it is not possible to give a specific day when the call will be returned.

Wasted appointments

Missed appointments cost the NHS thousands of pounds every year. Please phone the surgery as soon as possible if you cannot attend. This will help us to make appointments available to as many patients as possible.
The practice has a policy to manage the number of wasted appointments. Patients who DNA (did not attend) appointments are written to. In extreme circumstances patients who repeatedly fail to attend may be removed from the practice list.

Out of hours

Urgent medical assistance is available from NHS 111 24 hours a day. Telephone 111 when you need medical help fast but it is not an emergency.

Out of hours GP services are arranged by North Tyneside Primary Care Trust and are provided by qualified doctors and nurses. You may receive telephone advice from a doctor or be asked to attend a local primary care centre for an examination. If, for medical reasons, travel is impossible, a home visit from a doctor can be arranged.

You should only dial 999 for an ambulance if you believe the problem is life threatening or very urgent, e.g. major accident or trauma, chest pain, severe bleeding, breathing difficulties.

Interpreting service

If you would like an interpreter to attend your consultation, please tell reception when you book your appointment.

Test results (e.g. blood tests, X-Ray reports)

If you have tests taken you will be contacted either by phone or text message if any further action is needed. You can also use the NHS app to view recent results. Please allow up to one week for your results to be returned from the labs.

Registration with the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The Health and Social Care Act 2008 introduced a single registration system that applies to health and adult social care services.

From 01.04.13 all GP practices are required to be registered with the CQC. Lane End Surgery is registered. This gives patients assurance that the practice meets the essential standards of quality and safety.

CQC Statement of Purpose for Lane End Surgery